A Commitment to the Word 05/25/14 (Sunday AM) Listen Speaker: Tim StephensSeries: The Trellis and the Vine
A Commitment to People 05/18/14 (Sunday AM) Listen Speaker: Tim StephensSeries: The Trellis and the Vine
Who are the Vine-Workers? 05/04/14 (Sunday AM) Listen Bible Text: Ephesians 4:11-16 | Speaker: Tim StephensSeries: The Trellis and the Vine
The Trellis and the Vine 04/27/14 (Sunday AM) Listen Bible Text: Matthew 28:18-20 | Speaker: Tim StephensSeries: The Trellis and the Vine
Empty Tomb, No More Empty Life 04/20/14 (Sunday AM) Listen Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 | Speaker: Tim Stephens
The Cost of Discipleship 04/13/14 (Sunday AM) Listen Bible Text: Mark 8:31-38 | Speaker: Tim StephensSeries: Mark
Ears to Hear, Eyes to See 04/06/14 (Sunday AM) Listen Bible Text: Mark 7:31-8:30 | Speaker: Tim StephensSeries: Mark