Doctrines of Grace

The doctrines of grace which is sometimes referred to as “reformed” theology lies at the heart of the gospel. These doctrines (teachings) describe the grace of God in the rescue of sinners. Historically, these doctrines have been expressed in 5 points. 1. The total depravity or total inability of sinners. Point 6 (“Man”) of our… Read More ›


Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:2,”For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” This is one of the main reasons why each and every week the gospel is articulated in the sermon. This is not just an invitation tacked on the end or something completely foreign to the text,… Read More ›

Expository Preaching

Expository preaching has become a buzzword in church circles. Unfortunately, while being often used, it’s intended meaning proves elusive. Many churches claim to value expository preaching, but what does that actually mean? Some equate expository preaching with preaching through biblical books (e.g., Matthew or Romans) verse by verse from start to end. Some equate expository… Read More ›


The new covenant inaugurated by Jesus is significant when discussing why we are baptists. This new and better covenant is spoken of in the Old Testament and is said to be inaugurated in the book of Hebrews (see ch. 8). Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant… Read More ›


The word itself comes from the Greek word for “gospel.” So in it’s broadest sense, an Evangelical is one who believes the biblical gospel or good news of Jesus Christ. More specifically, the term has its roots in the 1700s where its distinctives were four-fold: An emphasis on conversion or being born again; An emphasis… Read More ›


To be reformed is to identify yourself with the principles of the Protestant Reformation that took place under individuals like Martin Luther and John Calvin. These men and others like them challenged the Catholic church in their day over a number of essential theological issues. This event in history started the Protestant movement to which… Read More ›


What is complementarianism? Like most “isms” it describes a set of beliefs. It was coined recently to describe the biblical idea that men and women have equal dignity and value before God, yet men and women have distinct and complementary roles in the home and in the church. The opposing view, egalitarianism, views men and… Read More ›