A Plea for Justice

This letter is intended for the members of the legislature in Alberta. It is a plea for you to pursue justice in our province. The Task Before You Alberta’s more than 4 million citizens are represented by just 87 members of the legislative assembly. As such, you represent a large and diverse group of people… Read More ›

The Stigma of Sickness

There is a stigma associated with sickness today. Our society has been altered in terms of how we regard the sick and how we deal with sickness when it visits us. Attitudes toward the sick include blaming and shaming them for not being more careful. Out of fear of getting sick ourselves, we divide and… Read More ›

Religious Objection to COVID-19 Vaccines?

It seems that most things concerning COVID-19 have become divisive. The trend seems to be worsening as new measures are introduced, then mandated, then enforced in an effort to stop this latest respiratory virus around the globe. The latest controversy surrounds mandatory vaccinations or vaccine passports. Division continues to rage within the broader church along… Read More ›

Vaccines and Coerced Consent

Over the past week, I’ve received numerous requests for help and prayer on mandatory vaccines. Alberta Health Services is requiring all their staff to be vaccinated by the middle of October. Employees of the federal government (and federally regulated businesses) have a similar requirement. Several provinces have recently announced that vaccination will be required to… Read More ›

A Biblical Response to Mandatory Vaccines

Yesterday’s announcement of mandatory vaccinations for federal government employees is shocking. Another “conspiracy theory” has come true. The government also announced that vaccines will be made mandatory for air travelers and passengers on interprovincial trains and cruise ships. Business and places of learning are following suit. What is the reasoning? About 5.7 million Canadians who… Read More ›

COVID-19 Summary

The following is a collection of articles, sermons, and interviews that tell our story as we sought to faithfully navigate COVID-19 and its surrounding issues. Tim Stephens March, 2020 Knowing very little concerning COVID-19, we decided to cancel our services and for me to address our church via livestream. http://www.fairviewbaptistchurch.ca/coronavirus-covid-19-update/ May, 2020 I wrote an… Read More ›