Before God’s Throne

March 15, 2020 ()

Bible Text: Job 20 |


In this sermon, Zophar speaks for the last time. He warns Job of the fate of the wicked. Their prosperity will be shorted lived. Their appetite for sin's promises destroys themselves and others. Their actions will invoke the wrath of God. Zophar is wrong in understanding Job's suffering is the consequence of his sin but he doesn't completely miss the mark in his warning against wickedness.

We are all deserving of God's wrath. But the good news is that God gives grace. Unmerited favor full and free. When we see our sin, when we see God's holiness and wrath, we should run to the comfort of the Lord Jesus who died to set us free from sin and its consequence.

Questions to consider:
1. Do you see yourself as wicked and deserving of hell apart? Why or why not?
2. Jesus' harshest words were against religious people. Why do you think that is?
3. Why does a greater realization of our sin cause us to magnify Christ?
4. Are you trust in Christ alone for your rescue from sin and its consequence?